Tag: alienation

  • Avatarer och eXistenZer

    “I’m not sure. I’m not sure here, where we are, is real at all. This feels like a game to me. And you, you begin to feel like a character.” -Ted addressing Allegra, eXistenZ Avatarer är i hinduisk kontext de kroppar som tas i besittning av gudarna när de behöver uträtta sina ärenden på jorden,…

  • The Alienation Game

    I did a workshop today with good help from Ebba Petrén at Knudepunkt (twitter feed) titled Dance, movement, scores. The aim was to play with body and movement to bring a physical dimension to role-playing.  As a part of it I set up a sequence of 4 physical scenes concerned with alienation, that worked quite…

  • Tips and traps when making participatory culture

    Eirik Fatland kindly translated this post from swedish. Tips Communicate the agreement clearly and explicitly. Only when the participant knows the rules of play, that is: how communication and participation are meant to be done, is she confident enough to act. Consider banning passive spectators and documentation. The external, critical, view is not always productive.…