Tag: deltagarkultur

  • Mobilized at SITE/Specific Festival 2024

    Mobilized at SITE/Specific Festival 2024

    SITE/Specific Festival is a festival in an open house format that gives you the chance to meet artists connected to SITE and take part in their latest works. During three evenings in June, we invite you to indoor and outdoor performances, talks and workshops. The festival has free entry! Mobilized – An essay pretending to…

  • In conversation with Lundahl & Seitl at IAC

    In conversation with Lundahl & Seitl at IAC

    Inter Arts Center “a platform for artistic research and experimentation” are very into games and play these days. Me and Nea Landin performed Mobilized there at Immersive days #3: Agents in Play. In the aftermaths i had the pleasure of giving a short improvised talk and enter a dialogue with Christer Lundahl and Martina Seitl.…

  • The Abyss Between Our Hands – with Áron Birtalan

    The Abyss Between Our Hands – with Áron Birtalan

    On October 20th we will host a seminar and a reading night, exploring technologies of intimacy in artistic practice and mystical theology. Artistic practice and mysticism have both been ways where the unknowable and the unreliable can be touched, felt, communed with. They denote a space where the lines between affective, sensual and intellectual collapse,…

  • MOBILIZED: An essay pretending to be a game

    MOBILIZED: An essay pretending to be a game

    Mobilized is a participatory performance exploring the power and potential of the smart phone. Rather than asking you to turn it off when entering the theatre, we ask you to keep it ready for use. Your phone will be the portal that takes you and other audience members into the constructed reality of the piece.…

  • Inferno speed date

    Inferno speed date

    Together with Nea Landin I have designed and coded a speed date web app. It was commissioned for Kulturnatten (Museums’ night) at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern. Inspiration came from Dante’s Divine Comedy, where the protagonist wander through the different circles in Hell. The participant start off by choosing what deadly sin they are under the influence of.…

  • Mobilized and Control game prototypes at Stockholm scenario festival

    Mobilized and Control game prototypes at Stockholm scenario festival

    I went to Stockholm Scenario Festival this week and played a prototype of Mobilized and a new prototype with the working title Control Game (both made in collaboration with Nea Landin). It’s always great to see new material in the hands of larpers and I got great feedback.

  • turn on, boot up, jack in – Gula villan, Järna

    turn on, boot up, jack in – Gula villan, Järna

    Vi presenterar fyra performativa situationer som förlitar sig på nya tekniska sammansättningar. Det blir käk. Det blir mysigt. Det blir kul. Kom förbi, häng och delta! Du behöver inte komma i sällskap av någon. Vi kopplar samman det antal deltagare som behövs för att spela. /Nea & Gabriel 𝗦𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗠𝗔14-16.00 Drop in med verken:OTHER (2 deltagare…

  • The Unquiet Veil in Amsterdam

    The Unquiet Veil in Amsterdam

    I will once again game master Áron Birtalan’s scenario The Unquiet Veil. This time at DAS in Amsterdam. The Unquiet Veil is a low-key role-playing experience / fictional workshop where players are guided through playful and mystical activities in which they develop their own practice of ‘everyday death magick’, make a pact with an imaginary…

  • Ekstasis – app-premiär 3 december!

    Ekstasis – app-premiär 3 december!

    Fyra vänner möts i samma rum och tar på sig hörlurar. Appen drar in deltagarna i ett scenario om längtan efter närvaro, vänskap och förändring. Ekstasis presenterar en situation där du som deltagare med trygga ramar får utforska hur olika krafter tar kontrollen över dig och dina vänner. Ni ger upp ert handlingsinitiativ men får en…

  • Artes Participativas

    Artes Participativas

    A Portuguese/Brazilian translation of Deltagarkultur has dropped in the shape of Artes Participativas. Thank you Tadeu Rodrigues Iuama for translating it and to Luiz Falcão for a proper re-enactment of the original shape and form. It is published by NpLarp and Editora Provocare. The book was written 2008 by Kristoffer Haggren, Elge Larsson and Andrea…

  • Panelsamtal på Folk & kultur

    Panelsamtal på Folk & kultur

    “Allt fler konstformer och kulturinstitutioner letar efter sätt att interagera med sin publik och “interaktiv” har blivit ett verkligt trendord. Samtidigt förbises deltagarkulturen och accepteras ofta inte som “riktig” kultur. Vad kan de traditionella konstformerna lära sig av deltagarkulturen? Hör kulturskapare, som alla har det aktiva deltagandet i fokus, berätta hur de arbetar för att…

  • Tolv talande dockor: Känslorna

    Tolv talande dockor: Känslorna

    I höst kommer Nyxxx att göra två verk med en ensemble bestående av tolv talande dockor. Den första premiären är en klassrumsföreställning som kommer att turnera med Scenkonst Sörmland.  Plocka upp mig! Håll i mig! Var min vän! Klassen får besök av de tolv talande dockorna. Är dockorna döda saker, eller lever de? Något är…