Tag: interacting arts

  • Rapport från Samskrivande & rolltagande

    Förra helgen körde vi jag och Ulf Staflund en workshop där vi försökte kombinera metoder från samskrivande och rollspel. Tre personer skrev och resten agerade eller tittade på. Vi hade förberett fem scenarion som med olika tema och struktur. I varje scenario såg relationen mellan text och spel olika ut. Målet var inte att skapa…

  • Anthology on nordic live role-playing: Playing Reality

    Playing Reality is an anthology of articles on live role-playing, a new art form where the Nordic countries are at the front edge. It’s edited by Elge Larsson and published by Interacting Arts. This book covers a wide range of topics and genres, from practical advice, historical reviews and visions of possible futures to semiotic…

  • Scen 3

    Den här artikeln dokumenterar verklighetsspelet Scen 3, som spelades 2001-2004. [issuu viewmode=presentation layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=101014184837-3fa6bfec125949c9811a29e7100cd341 docname=scen3 username=widing loadinginfotext=Scen%203%20in%20IA%235 showhtmllink=true tag=reality%20game width=450 height=640 unit=px]

  • Interventions for Exorcing Exoticism

    This is documentation from a performance produced by Gabriel Widing & Leo Nordwall at Exorcising Exoticism, Shin Kong Mitskoshi, Taipei, 2006. We have considered the theme of the exhibition carefully and found some specific entry points that we’d be interested in working with. The mall as normality. When entering a mall, certain social contracts are…

  • Interacting Arts International Issue 2006 – Radical Role-Playing

    A changed approach to moral concepts and view on society could lead to a sudden transformation of the role-playing hobby into a militant political movement. Örnstedt & Sjöstedt, De övergivnas armé In 1997 a book was published that caused moral panic in Sweden. It claimed that role-playing was a dangerous hobby – that it could…

  • Interacting Arts International Issue 2005

    [issuu viewmode=presentation layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=080206205500-423dd758dc514bf2af954a06d0fad9ce docname=ia-international-05 username=interactingarts loadinginfotext=Interacting%20Arts%20Magazine%20International%20Issue%202005 showhtmllink=true tag=art width=420 height=617 unit=px]