Tag: participation

  • In conversation with Lundahl & Seitl at IAC

    In conversation with Lundahl & Seitl at IAC

    Inter Arts Center “a platform for artistic research and experimentation” are very into games and play these days. Me and Nea Landin performed Mobilized there at Immersive days #3: Agents in Play. In the aftermaths i had the pleasure of giving a short improvised talk and enter a dialogue with Christer Lundahl and Martina Seitl.…

  • The Unquiet Veil at A thinking practice

    The Unquiet Veil at A thinking practice

    A Thinking Practice is a practice based symposium addressing collective learning processes in relation to listening, asymmetries, filth, not-knowing and desire. We long for a space to think, feel, organize and practice with others. A space where we, despite knowing that we won’t find any simple solutions, engage with each other in an unknown future.…

  • Co-hosting The Unquiet Veil

    Co-hosting The Unquiet Veil

    This week I’ve been working with Áron Birtalan in a part of their PhD project Your Bones Hold the Shape of What’s to Come. The piece is titled The Unquiet Veil – A Living Person’s Guide to Death Magick in Four Unfinished Songs. As iwth many participatory proposals it’s somewhere between a workshop and a…

  • Artes Participativas

    Artes Participativas

    A Portuguese/Brazilian translation of Deltagarkultur has dropped in the shape of Artes Participativas. Thank you Tadeu Rodrigues Iuama for translating it and to Luiz Falcão for a proper re-enactment of the original shape and form. It is published by NpLarp and Editora Provocare. The book was written 2008 by Kristoffer Haggren, Elge Larsson and Andrea…

  • Notes on Punchdrunk’s The Drowned Man from an interaction design pow

    Notes on Punchdrunk’s The Drowned Man from an interaction design pow

    Visiting London I took the oppurtunity to go to Punchdrunk’s epic show The Drowned Man which encompass some 20.000 sqm on 4 floors, 30 actors, a bar, et c. I will not summarise the whole experience here, there is plenty of reviews to read online. What I want to do is to share some thoughts…

  • The Avatar Condition

    An UngaTur performance piece in collaboration with Interacting Arts There is no audience. There are no actors. The Avatar Condition is something else. Discover who you become when someone else makes your decisions. The Avatar Condition is an invitation to being controlled. To act without having to make decisions. Through headphones, you are instructed to…

  • Circle of Scent

    This is a simple score for an aesthetic experience tied to our smelling senses. It’s not site, but audience specific in the sense that the experience will differ depending on whom the participants are. The Circle of Scent is realized through a few simple steps: Organize a group of people in a circle, facing the…

  • Avatarvaro – game test video documentation

    The avatar figure derives from hindu gods taking human or animal shape to run errands on earth. In the digital communities of the 90:s the concept was reversed – the participants were represented by digital characters on screen, putting people in the former positions of the gods. This project is about the avatar condition, being…

  • Tips and traps when making participatory culture

    Eirik Fatland kindly translated this post from swedish. Tips Communicate the agreement clearly and explicitly. Only when the participant knows the rules of play, that is: how communication and participation are meant to be done, is she confident enough to act. Consider banning passive spectators and documentation. The external, critical, view is not always productive.…