Month: April 2010

  • Anthology on nordic live role-playing: Playing Reality

    Playing Reality is an anthology of articles on live role-playing, a new art form where the Nordic countries are at the front edge. It’s edited by Elge Larsson and published by Interacting Arts. This book covers a wide range of topics and genres, from practical advice, historical reviews and visions of possible futures to semiotic…

  • The Baader-Meinhof eXperiment Stockholm

    Vi hjälper Erlend Eidsen Hansen att sätta upp detta lysande scenario i Stockholm på tisdag. Det finns 20 platser och vi kör på Riksteatern i Hallunda. The Baader-Meinhof eXperiment Stockholm Two rooms, next door : the securitypolice and activists. One wall divides them – One focus tears them apart, ideology One group of participants plays…

  • 6 Common Mistakes in Live Role-playing Design

    This article was published in the anthology Playing Reality by Interacting Arts 2010. DESIGNING LARPS IS A COMPLEX PROCESS and one must have courage to take on the responsibility of doing it. The players are demanding and bring creative power as well as infinite demands. I have assembled a few common mistakes that are made…