Tag: role-playing
Co-hosting The Unquiet Veil
This week I’ve been working with Áron Birtalan in a part of their PhD project Your Bones Hold the Shape of What’s to Come. The piece is titled The Unquiet Veil – A Living Person’s Guide to Death Magick in Four Unfinished Songs. As iwth many participatory proposals it’s somewhere between a workshop and a…
An infinite scenario
I put together a short experimental scenario for my workshop at this year’s annual nordic larp (live role-playing) conference Knutepunkt, which I’m happy to share. It’s easy to brief and could probably be played in 15 minutes. Rules / tips Each participant get a set of 9 cards (One sheet makes one character, and yes…
Playground – New mag on roleplaying
There is a new magazine on indie roleplaying and experimental live roleplaying. The first issue was released at the Knudepunkt conference and the editorial team is pan-nordic. They aim for to publish it on a quarterly basis and are interested in new, strange and obscure stuff related to role-playing in any form. If you are…
Co-writing a park, inhabiting it with role-playing
Nordic live role-playing conference Knudepunkt has started, Miriam has some photos. Yesterday I gave a workshop about writing “fictions and try different approaches to co-creation. Everyone write in the same document simultaneously.” I want to share an exercise developed with Ulf Staflund, that I’ve only done once before but enjoyed a lot both times. I’ve…
6 Common Mistakes in Live Role-playing Design
This article was published in the anthology Playing Reality by Interacting Arts 2010. DESIGNING LARPS IS A COMPLEX PROCESS and one must have courage to take on the responsibility of doing it. The players are demanding and bring creative power as well as infinite demands. I have assembled a few common mistakes that are made…
The Character, the Player and Their Shared Body
The article is written by Gabriel Widing & Tova Gerge, published in Role, Play, Art, edited by Thorbiörn Fritzon and Tobias Wrigstad, in conjunction with the 10th Knutpunkt Convention in Sweden, 2006. What happens to our bodies when we give them to characters and place them in new environments and situations? Where do these memories…
Interacting Arts International Issue 2006 – Radical Role-Playing
A changed approach to moral concepts and view on society could lead to a sudden transformation of the role-playing hobby into a militant political movement. Örnstedt & Sjöstedt, De övergivnas armé In 1997 a book was published that caused moral panic in Sweden. It claimed that role-playing was a dangerous hobby – that it could…
Interacting Arts International Issue 2005
[issuu viewmode=presentation layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Flight%2Flayout.xml showflipbtn=true documentid=080206205500-423dd758dc514bf2af954a06d0fad9ce docname=ia-international-05 username=interactingarts loadinginfotext=Interacting%20Arts%20Magazine%20International%20Issue%202005 showhtmllink=true tag=art width=420 height=617 unit=px]
Post Panopticon
This was my first text published in english and it has some weak parts but I’ve left it unchanged. It was published in the anthology Beyond role and play, edited by Montola & Stenroos in 2004. Analysing live action role-playing has always been problematic. The subjectivity of every experience makes the personal reflection a lame…