Month: April 2012

  • The Labyrinth of Possibilities

    translated from Swedish by Thom Kiraly. Illustration by Josefin Rasmusson. Published in States of Play (PDF) (ed. Juhana Pettersson, 2012) for the Knutpunkt/Solmukohta conference. Create a reality game for friends and family! Play and storytelling have disappeared from our lives. Adventure has been demoted to being played out on computer screens and pages in books.…

  • States of Play is out (the 2012 edition of the annual nordic larp anthology)

    The Nordic live role-playing (larp) anthology of the year has arrived. For once prior to the Knutpunkt/Solmukohta conference, which is excellent, so that the participants can read up before they go there. This time it’s edited by  art-house larp writer and critique Juhana Pettersson. It’s called States of Play – Nordic Larp around the World…