Tag: playing cards

  • Programming the Cyborg Tarot

    Programming the Cyborg Tarot

    Learning basic javascript i decided to make an online version of Nyxxx tarot deck, originally designed for our work Tactical meditations. Try it out!

  • An infinite scenario

    I put together a short experimental scenario for my workshop at this year’s annual nordic larp (live role-playing) conference Knutepunkt, which I’m happy to share. It’s easy to brief and could probably be played in 15 minutes. Rules / tips Each participant get a set of 9 cards (One sheet makes one character, and yes…

  • Staged Larceny – stealing attempt at Baltic Circle Festival

    Last week I had the oppurtunity to go to Helsinki to make a performance together with Pekko Koskinen from Reality Research Center. It was performed at the Baltic Circle Festival under the title Staged Larceny: This operation attempts to steal the fabric of one performance to create another. The theft is conjured by you, our…