Om Brecht, avatarer, partilinjen, mm

Bertold Brecht med kompositören Hanns Eisler, 1950.

Bertold Brecht med kompositören Hanns Eisler, 1950.

För en tid sedan skrev jag och Ebba Petrén en text om vår process med att bearbeta ett av Brecht lärostycken till någon sorts avatarsituation. Nyligen var vi i Brasilien och testade materialet med diverse Brecht-kännare, akademiker såväl som regissörer och skådespelare. Det peppade oss att publicera texten. Antagligen kommer ännu mer reflektioner och dokumentation med tiden. Skriver en rapport till Konstnärsnämden från besöket på INTERNATIONAL BRECHT SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM.

Tills vidare, håll till godo med Brechts Die Maßnahme som avatarstycke på Nyxxx.

Avatar vs Human – a short avatar scenario to play at home or elsewhere

avatar-vs-humanI’m happy to share this short scenario with you. It was written by me and Ebba Petrén at PAF last summer. You can play it with two people or in front of a smaller audience. The participants should not listen to the track on beforehand.

You need

• 2 voluntary participants.
• A pair of headphones with the Mp3-file.
• A table
• 2 chairs
• 2 windows that can be opened, it’s nice but not necessary if there is a view.

Take it off

To begin, one of the two players starts the mp3-track and put the headphones on. The other player start by observing the avatar. Both players starts standing up. When you put on the headphones you are the avatar, follow the instructions and take no other initiatives. When you don’t wear headphones you try to communicate with the avatar by responding to it as if you are having a chat with that person for the first time.


The avatar asks something demanding, something the human finds hard and personal to answer. The avatar says “You will have the opporutnity to be an avatar. And I will become human. When I raise my hand you can take my headphones and become the avatar”. It raises the hand. The new avatar comes out, “the avatar of a human spirit”, and opens a window saluting the fresh air. Next avatar is “the avatar of the real” trying to jump out of the window. Human has to stop it. More avatars follow, with other agendas.

Some feedback

“It’s like having a child or a pet in your room when you’re trying to work. You have to take notice and care for it. And it will for sure use its voice to communicate!”


We’ve presented this scenario at PAF Performing arts forum in St Erme, 2012, at the 14th Symposium of the International Brecht Society in Porto Alegre, 2013 and at Scenkonstbiennalen in Jönköping, 2013. We are looking forward to hear where it will be played next and how you experience it!


Video from a session at a room in Master Express Grande Hotel, Porto Alegre, May 2013. On screen: Ester Claesson and John Hanse. Spoiler warning!

Avatarworkshop på Scenkonstbiennalen

Om du kommer dit  25 maj– se till att titta in!


Experiment med ett nytt scenkonstformat där publiken står i centrum

Med hjälp av ljudinstruktioner går deltagarna in i olika situationer. Som avatarer utför de koreografier, dramatiska dialoger och rör sig enskilt i hypnosliknande tillstånd. De talar, tänker, känner och rör sig – allt efter instruktion.

Under workshopen får du uppleva formatet och lära dig mer om möjligheterna med avatarvaro. Som avatar blir du både betraktare och aktör och förhandlar ständigt med vad som är verkligt och vad som är fiktion, varifrån initiativet till handling kommer.

Vi kommer använda oss av material från tidigare föreställningar och pågående arbete.

Max 12 deltagare per tillfälle.

Workshopledare: Ebba Petrén, regissör, Kerstin Weimers, ljusdesigner, Albin Werle, konstnär, Gabriel Widing, spelutvecklare

Press om Drömdykarna


Jag är grymt stolt över hur Drömdykarna blev och glad över att det tagits emot väl i pressen. Här är det jag hittat, ris som ros:


The Avatar-Lehrstücke Workshop

Med stöd från Konstnärsnämnden åker jag i maj till INTERNACIONAL BRECHT SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM – PORTO ALEGRE 2013 för att göra en avatarworkshop baserad på Brecht Åtgärden. Det känns grymt spännande!

The Decision / Brecht

The Decision / Brecht

The Avatar-Lehrstücke Workshop

Last summer we did an avatar performance based on Brecht’s Die Maßnahme. This approach means that the spectator/spect-actor receives instructions through a headset and based on this they execute the instructions given in the headphones. Our approach is to put the spectator in the role of the performer. The spectator will not become an “artist”. Instead the role of the spectator is that of the doer. The spectator performs actions, he quotes with body and speech from the instructions he recieves. We would like to produce a workshop based on this performance because it connects to Brechts initial idea about the lehrstücke – that it rather should be performed than received passively.

No verão passado fizemos um desempenho avatar com base em Maßnahme Die, de Brecht.

Esta abordagem significa que o espectador / espect-ator recebe instruções através de um fone de ouvido e com base nisso, executa as instruções dadas por esse meio. Nossa abordagem é colocar o espectador no papel do intérprete. O espectador não vai se tornar um “artista”. Em vez disso o papel do espectador é o do agente. O espectador realiza ações, ele cita com corpo e linguagem a partir das instruções que recebe. Nós gostaríamos de produzir um workshop com base neste desempenho, porque ele se conecta a idéia inicial de Brecht sobre as peças didáticas.  Que devem, sim, ser realizadas e não recebidas passivamente.

Ebba Petrén, John Hanse, Ester Claesson, Gabriel Widing



4 horas/4 hours

22 de maio – 14 horas/ May22 – Two PM

Os participantes devem poder falar e entender ingles

The participants must be able to speak and understand english.

Drömdykarna på Elverket

Har du känt att drömmar kan vara lika verkliga som den vanliga världen? Det är inte så konstigt – det är nämligen sant! Fråga bara forskaren Eva Dockhaus, vars nya fantastiska uppfinning gör det möjligt att gå in i en sovande människas drömmar. Det är spännande och annorlunda, men inte alls farligt.

Unga Dramaten/Elverket har byggts om till ett drömforskningscentrum. Där kan du träffa doktor Dockhaus och själv dyka in i testpersonen Milos drömvärldar. Men vem är det som dyker upp i Milos drömmar gång på gång? Följ med på en resa fylld med roliga uppdrag och möten.

Drömdykarna handlar om drömmar, nyfikenhet och vänskap. Besökarna rör sig mellan olika rum, bjuds in att delta i spel och får individuella instruktioner via hörlurar under stora delar av föreställningen. Drömdykarna riktar sig till deltagare i åldrarna 10 till 12 år.


Med David Book, Eva Melander, Eric Stern och publiken
Text, regi, scenografi, ljud, kostym och speldesign NYXXX
Ljus Kerstin Weimers**
Peruk och mask Veronica Liljeblad

Urpremiär 15 mars Unga Dramaten / Elverket

Köp biljetter

*Gör projektet inom ramen för masterprogrammet vid Teaterhögskolan i Malmö.
** Praktikant från StDH

Working with avatars at PAF

Summer is slowly fading away and I haven’t written here since May, which is a shame because plenty of interesting things has been going on.

This week me and Ebba Petrén has had the fantastic opportunity to go to Performing Arts Forum. We have a generous grant from The Swedish Arts Grant Committee to be able to do research on the avatar formats. The last week we’ve been thinking about what we have done so far and explored new ideas on what is possible to do within the avatar frame – humans being directed by a voice, turning them into something else, hybrids between man and machine.

First of all I want to say that this place is amazing. I was here last year to attend the Agora Seminars and I have had the intention to come back ever since. Just have a look of the village S:t Erme as it emerge from my bedroom window tonight:

Here are a couple of the ideas that we’ve been working with, I’ll probably get back with more later …

Switching positions

The idea is to explore what happens when you change into an avatar and the intention to do so. In the most simple iteration one person (human) has a conversation with anouther one who wear headphones and reciev instructions (avatar). When the avatar stretch its hand up (following an instruction, of course) the human can chose to take its position. The avatar can never chose to be a human, but the human can chose to turn herself into an avatar.

We did a recording where the avatar is asking questions and then making interruptions. Encouraging the human to talk, but not really responding in a proper way.

We also tried out a “Round Robin” structure with 4 avatar tracks and a group of audience members, who could chose to take the headphones during certain circumstances. The curiosity on behalf of the audience was high and everyone wanted to become avatars at some point.

We have a lot more ideas on how avatar-human interaction could work out that we didn’t have the possibility to try out in practise yet. It could be an avatar hosting seance, initiating a game or introducing conversational topics in a social situation.

Here is the studio we’ve been working in with the simple set up for the 4-avatar switching test.

Phone call piece

Here is a new idea of a piece where the audience give their phone numbers to us when they enter the performance. We have a dramaturgy, a railroaded set of actions that the audience members execute/perform by getting phone call instructions, wishes, begs from the operators, a kind of call center. This would not really be avatarisation, there would freedom to say no to negotiate or say no to an instruction. The operators/game masters are seated in a call center, a room near by, above them or in the same room but behind a window.

“Excuse me, could you help us by…”
“There is a camera, can you make the documentation of this piece?”
“Can you take responsibility for …”

This way we could produce an aesthetizised social dynamic in the room.