Tag: Co-writing

  • Co-writing a park, inhabiting it with role-playing

    Nordic live role-playing conference Knudepunkt has started, Miriam has some photos. Yesterday I gave a workshop about writing “fictions and try different approaches to co-creation. Everyone  write in the same document simultaneously.” I want to share an exercise developed with Ulf Staflund, that I’ve only done once before but enjoyed a lot both times. I’ve…

  • Textual Raptures, essay on co-writing

    This essay was published in To Do by Hybris Konstproduktion as a report on Möte09. TEXTUAL RAPTURES Some thoughts on co-typing in the backwash of Möte09 I got my hands on a real-time collaborative text editor for the first time in 2005. The software was called Hydra, named after the many-headed serpent that fought Hercules.…