Tag: Eirik Fatland

  • Tips and traps when making participatory culture

    Eirik Fatland kindly translated this post from swedish. Tips Communicate the agreement clearly and explicitly. Only when the participant knows the rules of play, that is: how communication and participation are meant to be done, is she confident enough to act. Consider banning passive spectators and documentation. The external, critical, view is not always productive.…

  • 6 Common Mistakes in Live Role-playing Design

    This article was published in the anthology Playing Reality by Interacting Arts 2010. DESIGNING LARPS IS A COMPLEX PROCESS and one must have courage to take on the responsibility of doing it. The players are demanding and bring creative power as well as infinite demands. I have assembled a few common mistakes that are made…

  • The Character, the Player and Their Shared Body

    The article is written by Gabriel Widing & Tova Gerge, published in Role, Play, Art, edited by Thorbiörn Fritzon and Tobias Wrigstad,  in conjunction with the 10th Knutpunkt Convention in Sweden, 2006. What happens to our bodies when we give them to characters and place them in new environments and situations? Where do these memories…

  • Post Panopticon

    This was my first text published in english and it has some weak parts but I’ve left it unchanged. It was published in the anthology Beyond role and play, edited by Montola & Stenroos in 2004. Analysing live action role-playing has always been problematic. The subjectivity of every experience makes the personal reflection a lame…