Tag: Inkonst

  • Twelve talking dolls: The Subjects

    Twelve talking dolls: The Subjects

    You take care of the dolls. The dolls will take care of you. Meet the twelve talking dolls. They scream, cry and comfort, threaten and pray, seduce and order, invoke and plead, explain, hypnotize, confess and terrorize. As an audience member you can pick the dolls up and hold them, take care of them and…

  • Tactical Meditations, new Nyxxx piece on tour

    Tactical Meditations, new Nyxxx piece on tour

    My collective Nyxxx has created a new piece which is currently on tour. The 9 shows in Stockholm were sold-out. And it was exciting to meat the young and engaged audience. The work is more open and improvisatory than our previous avatar shows and we guide the audience through a series of exercises, meditating on…

  • Avatarvaro – performance och samtal på Inkonst, Malmö

    Jag hoppas att ingen missat att vi kör Avatarvaro nu i veckan tisdag till torsdag, 15-17 maj, på Inkonst i Malmö. Just nu är jag på plats i den stora svarta lådan och bygger upp scenografin. Snart ska vi in i ljudstudio och justera detaljer i manuset. Se till att tipsa alla ni känner i…