Tag: interaction

  • Notes on Punchdrunk’s The Drowned Man from an interaction design pow

    Notes on Punchdrunk’s The Drowned Man from an interaction design pow

    Visiting London I took the oppurtunity to go to Punchdrunk’s epic show The Drowned Man which encompass some 20.000 sqm on 4 floors, 30 actors, a bar, et c. I will not summarise the whole experience here, there is plenty of reviews to read online. What I want to do is to share some thoughts…

  • 6 Common Mistakes in Live Role-playing Design

    This article was published in the anthology Playing Reality by Interacting Arts 2010. DESIGNING LARPS IS A COMPLEX PROCESS and one must have courage to take on the responsibility of doing it. The players are demanding and bring creative power as well as infinite demands. I have assembled a few common mistakes that are made…