Category: English

  • Playground – New mag on roleplaying

    There is a new magazine on indie roleplaying and experimental live roleplaying. The first issue was released at the Knudepunkt conference and the editorial team is pan-nordic. They aim for to publish it on a quarterly basis and are interested in new, strange and obscure stuff related to role-playing in any form. If you are…

  • The Alienation Game

    I did a workshop today with good help from Ebba Petrén at Knudepunkt (twitter feed) titled Dance, movement, scores. The aim was to play with body and movement to bring a physical dimension to role-playing.  As a part of it I set up a sequence of 4 physical scenes concerned with alienation, that worked quite…

  • Co-writing a park, inhabiting it with role-playing

    Nordic live role-playing conference Knudepunkt has started, Miriam has some photos. Yesterday I gave a workshop about writing “fictions and try different approaches to co-creation. Everyone  write in the same document simultaneously.” I want to share an exercise developed with Ulf Staflund, that I’ve only done once before but enjoyed a lot both times. I’ve…

  • “Enjoy it while it lasts”

    All three books for the nordic live action role-playing (larp) conference Knudepunkt i now online as PDF. Each book has different approach, one of them being academic, another one documentary and a third one with more of a conversational style. I’ve contributed to the latter of them, with a short essay trying to read post-apocalyptic…

  • Documentation of Baader Meinhof eXperiment – black box edition

    The norwegian scenario BMX was written to use the oppurtunity of two appartments in the same block inhabitet by prominent larp writers and organizers;  on one hand Eirik Fatland & Li Xin and on the other hand Erlend Eidsem Hansen. This was the setup: Two rooms, next door : the security police and activists. One…

  • Interactive script writing exercise in 4 steps

    Here is a 4 steps analogue exercise that i run sometimes with game design students and writing people. The idea is to write a non-linear story in a group of four people. I got the basic structure from Simon Løvind and Michael Valeur when i took a small course for them at Dramatiska Institutet in…

  • Tips and traps when making participatory culture

    Eirik Fatland kindly translated this post from swedish. Tips Communicate the agreement clearly and explicitly. Only when the participant knows the rules of play, that is: how communication and participation are meant to be done, is she confident enough to act. Consider banning passive spectators and documentation. The external, critical, view is not always productive.…

  • Overlay aesthetics 2

  • Overlay aesthetics

    I made this series of images in photoshop using the overlay filter for layers. What I like about them is the dynamics between imaginary fantasy and gritty materiality. The cyclope illustration was originally made by Josefin Rasmuson and the mask by Olle Söderström.

  • 10 game board mock-ups

    [issuu viewmode=presentation showflipbtn=true documentid=101016113830-4cb3aa511bc24ecca2056d675cd40877 docname=10-board-game-mock-ups username=widing loadinginfotext=10%20game%20board%20mock-ups showhtmllink=true tag=mock-up width=450 height=250 unit=px] Print and try out your board game designs. It’s A3. Download (pdf). Download (ai)

  • Anthology on nordic live role-playing: Playing Reality

    Playing Reality is an anthology of articles on live role-playing, a new art form where the Nordic countries are at the front edge. It’s edited by Elge Larsson and published by Interacting Arts. This book covers a wide range of topics and genres, from practical advice, historical reviews and visions of possible futures to semiotic…

  • The Baader-Meinhof eXperiment Stockholm

    Vi hjälper Erlend Eidsen Hansen att sätta upp detta lysande scenario i Stockholm på tisdag. Det finns 20 platser och vi kör på Riksteatern i Hallunda. The Baader-Meinhof eXperiment Stockholm Two rooms, next door : the securitypolice and activists. One wall divides them – One focus tears them apart, ideology One group of participants plays…